10 New Things To Do While Stuck At Home
Find new music. Make a Pandora station of a band you like. Once you hear a song from a band you haven’t heard of, start a new station with them.
Pick a top ten book and try reading it. Even if the book doesn’t sound interesting it may surprise you.
Find and do a new workout challenge. This can be even better if you invite a friend to do it over video chat.
Get some basic supplies delivered and try making a new workbench, jewelry box, bird house, or other fun project.
Educate yourself by going to www.ted.com and watch some lectures by experts in their field.
Deep clean a room. Clean all the areas that haven’t been cleaned in a long time
Get some art supplies and find a how-to video on youtube. This can be enhanced by getting your friends/family to try the same how-to video and compare results.
Follow a trend. Making sourdough, posting on Tik Tok, making dalgona coffee, learning a new language through Duolingo are just a few trends happening right now to try.
Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a long time.
Drive to a new area and go for a walk. Make sure to social distance!